MyCU has a variety of locations where videos may be embedded for seamless interaction for students. Anytime you see a textbox, you have the option to embed videos for inline viewing. 

In a course context, one of the best locations is on the Overview page becuase it is the default page for students whenever they enter your course context. If you use the Week 1, Week 2, etc. format and adjust the unit dates, it will automatically direct students to the appropriate content on any given date of their visit and ensure high visibility of your vide content. 

Welcome videos, for instance, are best placed on the Overview page for Week 1 (or the first unit visible to students) because they can see if before clicking anywhere else in the course. In some cases, you may aslso wish to place weekly lecture content there as well, depending on your course design. 

  1. Before placing a video in eLearning, upload your content to YouTube (part of your CU Google Workspace account) and verify the captions are accurate. 
  2. Click the link to Share the YouTube video and select the option to Embed the video (notated by the <>symbol). 
  3. Choose your preferred options to (1) Show player controles and (2) Enable provacy-enhanced mode.
  4. Click "copy" to copy the HTML to youir clipboard
  5. On the Overview page for your course, select the link to "Add unit content" or "Edit this content" (displayed when unit content has already been added).
  6. In the textbox menu, select the HTML code button (<>) and paste the embed code from YouTube. 
  7. Save the HTML code.
  8. Save the unit content.

    Watch this process: