There are a number of reasons why an instructor may elect to implement a weighted grading system in their course A weighted schema:

  • reflects importance by differentiating assignments, projects, or assessments that are more crucial for demonstrating mastery
  • provides a flexible approach to assignment creation and point allocation throughout the semester
  • gives clarity in assignment differentiation and management of cumulative assignments
  • encourages fairness through thoughtfully distributed points that reflect the course objectives and learning outcomes

How does it work?

In a weighted grading scheme, assignments are typically grouped by type, wherein any number of assignments can be used to comprise a percentage of the total grade in a course. Total weight must equal 100% before they will calculate correctly in the gradebook.

In the provided example, a final weighted grade would calculate a student's final grade as such:

Final grade = (overall quiz grade x 30%) + (overall participation grade x 20%) + (overall exam grade x 20%) + (overall homework grade x 15%) + (overall project grade x 15%)

Standard Weighting

A standard weighting system assumes that the final grade will be obtained by averaging all assignments in the assignment type. 

Quizzes (30%)Participation (20%)Exams (20%)Homework (15%)Project (15%)
Check-in QuizDiscussion Forum 1Midterm
HW Week 1Proposal
Weekly Quiz 1Discussion Forum 2
FinalHW Week 2
Weekly Quiz 2
Discussion Forum 3

HW Week 3
Final Submission
Weekly Quiz 3
Discussion Forum 4

HW Week 4

Weekly Quiz 4
Discussion Forum 5

HW Week 5

Weekly Quiz 5
Discussion Forum 6

HW Week 6
Weekly Quiz 6
Discussion Forum 7

HW Week 7

Weekly Quiz 7

Weighting Assignments within a Type

While customized weighting is supported in the LMS, caution should be exercised to ensure students are able to accurately determine the importance of specific assignments. 

Points given for specific assignments within a type will not weight assignments without additional gradebook modification. The grade will be an average of the percentage within that assignment type. 

Standard Type Weighting

Project (15%)
Type Average: 63.3%
Proposal9/10 (90%)

Draft10/10 (100%)
Final Submission0/100 (0%)

In the gradebook, instructors can easily modify assignment weightings within a type. 

Customized Type Weighting

Project (15%)

Type Average: 42.5%
9/10 (90%)
25%10/10 (100%)
Final Submission
50%0/100 (0%)


Best practices

  • Weight important assignments and types more heavily than less important ones.
  • Provide a detailed weighting table in the syllabus, including any customized weighting for assignments within a type.
  • Fully explain the grading system used, especially if it is less common than implemented in other courses or programs.  
  • Ensure your assignment types are labeled accurately. Use the same terms for assignment types in the syllabus and the gradebook. For instance, if Participation = 20%, do not use the term, "Discussion Forums" or "Classroom". Types are easily added and customized in the LMS. 
  • Set up the full gradebook before grading any work in the course. Note: this requires the creation of at least one assignment in each assignment type before it may be calculated.

See it in Action

Steps to Set up Assignment Weighting

  1. Develop weighting table as it will be displayed in the syllabus.
  2. Locate your course in the eLearning LMS.
  3. Create at least one assignment for every type listed to receive weighting.
  4. If the assignment types listed in Step One of the assignment creation process do not match the naming convention used in the course syllabus, select the option to create a new type.
  5. Visit the gradebook page for your course and select Final grade weighting
  6. If your course lists The Type Method as the grading schema, enter the percentage values for each type and save. 
  7. Otherwise, select the option to change the weighting method and enter the weight percentages accordingly. 

Weight Assignments within a Type (Custom)

  1. From the gradebook page in your course, select Final grade weighting.
  2. On the weighting distribution page, select the link for the specific type wherein you want to modify the assignment weighting.
  3. Enter the weight percentages for the individual assignments, ensuring that the total equals 100% and save your changes.