CU Faculty are provided with a licensed Zoom account. In order to activate your account with Zoom, please use the Zoom LTI link in your eLearning Course Context. Once you load that page, Zoom will recognize your email address and associate it with our organizational account. In some cases, it may fail to assign the correct license in which case, simply contact [email protected] so we may assist in manually assigning your license. 

Once you have verified the account through email, you may proceed to schedule classes and record them to the Zoom Cloud. Once a class has been scheduled through the Zoom LTI and recorded to the cloud, it will automatically be available on the Cloud Recordings tab once the recording has finished processing. NOTE: (1) Enabling automatic recording to the cloud and allowing entry before the host will create false recordings. We recommend turning those features off so that only class recordings are preset there. (2) Cloud Recordings over 360 days old will be automatically deleted. Please be sure to download and archive recordings you need to maintain for subsequent courses. You are welcome to use your Google Drive or Youtube from the Google Workspace account associated with your CU login.

The Zoom LTI Pro feature associated with eLearning provides the space for your personal meeting room. We recommend that professors implement this space for online office hours. We also recommend enabling the waiting room so you may admit participants when you are ready. You may also record these to the cloud and provide that to others as needed. NOTE: Cloud Recordings from your personal meeting room will not automatically display on the Cloud Recordings tab in the Zoom LTI but are only accessible from your account at