Log Into your Zoom account

  1. Visit: https://carolinau-edu.zoom.us/

  2. Click Sign In

  1. Click the Google Link to Sign in and proceed by using your Carolina University account.

  1. Proceed by entering your Carolina University Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.

Access your recordings

  1. On the left column, click on 'Recordings'
  2. Here you'll see a list of your previous recordings; click on a topic title you'd like to access.
  3. Click on the "Play" button in the "Recording" thumbnail

   4. Click the scissors icon in the lower right corner of the tool bar

5. Click and drag the "Start" and "End" sliders to the positions where you want the video to start and stop, then click 'Save'


Trimming the playback range as described above does not trim your actual recording, it only adjusts the way the playback is viewed online when streaming it. If the recording is downloaded, it will still be the original length, regardless of the playback range you set when you trimmed it.