A step-by-step guide...to being awesome...(or just a step-by-step guide to sharing videos in eLearning)

  1. Create your video using QuickTime, Movie Maker, Zoom, etc. using your preferred favorite video creation platform of choice. 
  2. Visit YouTube.com and login with your CarolinaU email (pretty nifty, huh?)
  3. Upload your video to your CU channel 
  4. During the upload process, in the "Visibility" section, select "Unlisted" if you'd like to hide the video publicly from YouTube. (An Unlisted video can only be viewed by others who receive the YouTube link)

  1. Visit the link to your published video and click on the Share button. Select COPY to copy the URL to your clipboard.
  2. Head on over to eLearning and find a text box to post (usually a discussion forum)
  3. Paste the URL (Ctrl+V | Cmd+V). 

Now...go and be awesome!