LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking quizzes in eLearning. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications during an assessment. If a quiz requires that LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the quiz with a standard web browser. 

LockDown Browser should only be used for taking eLearning quizzes. It should not be used in other areas of eLearning.


If LockDown Browser has already been installed, skip to the next section. If not, LockDown Browser must be installed to each computer (Windows or Mac) being used to take a test.

    ›    LockDown Browser is available for download on any page where the quiz requires its use.

    ›    Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the install.


1.    Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.

2.    Log into eLearning with a regular browser, select the course and navigate to the quiz.

3.    If you have not already installed LockDown Browser:

    ›     Select the link to download the application and follow the installation instructions.

    ›     Return to the quiz page in a standard browser.

    ›     Click on the name of the quiz and LockDown Browser will launch and the quiz will begin.

4.    If LockDown Browser is already installed, click on the name of the quiz to launch LockDown Browser.

5.    If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging), choose "Close Process/Applications."

6.    The test will then start. (Note, once a test has been started with LockDown Browser, you cannot exit the quiz until the Submit button is clicked.)