If you have been assigned a test in eLearning, you will access the assignment through the coursework area. Once you click on the assignment, you will be provided with any additional/pertinent information for that test, including information on time limits and resubmissions. 

In the provided example, the quiz can only be taken once and has a time limit of 5 minutes. When you are ready to begin the test, click "Start" in the blue box.

NOTE: In some instances, a professor may require you to remain on the test screen or use something called "Respondus Lockdown Browser". Currently, Respondus is only available on PCs, MacOS, and iOS devices. If this is a requirement set for your test, you will be notified of this and will not be allowed to take the test in any other browser. If you are limited to a Chrome device or are not on a platform that can run the Respondus Lockdown Browser, please notify your professor. 

Select the options for the assigned questions, keeping in mind that there may be a timer in the upper menu. If there are multiple pages for the test, you will be able to navigate to pages at the bottom of the screen. 

In some cases, a professor may only allow forward progress on a test. You will be alerted to this by noting the pagination at the bottom. If the numbers do not appear in blue, this is a forward progress-only assessment. 

On the last page/section of the quiz, you will notice that you are given the option to "Submit" the assessment. Once you are satisfied with your responses, select this option to return to the assignment overview screen.

If there are multiple attempts allowed, you will need to "Turn in" your test on the assignment overview page using the link in the blue box.