If you have been assigned coursework that requires a basic file upload, you will see that you have specific requirements listed upon opening that link and a place to upload your file(s). A yellow asterisk will indicate the work to be completed. To upload the file, click "Upload a file".

NOTE: if you have more than a few files required for an assignment, you may find it easier to compress those into a Zip file before uploading to save time importing individual files.

Click "Choose File" to select a file for upload.

The next window that appears will be your "Moxie Manager". Think of this as your personal file cabinet within eLearning. You may elect to upload a file or select an existing file. NOTE: once a file has been loaded into your Moxie Manager, click the box next to the file(s) you would like to submit for this assignment. After you are satisfied with your file selection(s) click "Insert".

In the following box, (optional) enter a label and/or description for the file(s). Otherwise, click "Add File". 

On the next screen, you will see the file(s) for this assignment. You may either upload additional files or submit your work. To submit the work, click the hyperlink in the blue box that says, "Turn in your..."