You will also navigate to this area to perform a peer review. A peer review tab will be visible inside the Turnitin box if that feature is enabled.

After clicking on that tab, you will have an option to begin your peer review if that assignment is open. Otherwise, additional information will be available to you to specify when that should be completed. To begin the peer review, select the link that says, “Start Peer Review”.

A new tab will open in your browser to take you to a student’s submission. You will have the option to review the submission with predetermined questions, add comments, save the PeerMark review to return and complete at a later date, and submit the PeerMark review.

If the window for reviews has not opened or has closed, you will not be allowed to perform your work. Please be sure to reach out to your professor directly if this is the case. They may allow you to go back into an assignment after the due date. 

You will also return to this area once the feedback release date has passed to read any peer reviews submitted to you from other students. Click on “received feedback” to view that information.